ApconiX TSA Page Archives

The Value of Target Safety Assessments

Did you know that safety issues remain one of the main reasons why drug projects fail?   Multiple publications over recent years have continued to highlight non-clinical safety/toxicity as the most frequent reason for project failure in drug development.  For example, in a study of 605 projects from GSK, AstraZeneca, Ely Lilly and Pfizer, nonclinical toxicology [...]

By |2022-06-21T15:12:08+01:00February 28th, 2018|Target Safety Assessments, TSA Page|Comments Off on The Value of Target Safety Assessments

Target safety assessments and their role in de-risking drug discovery – Nav1.7 as an example

This poster, presented at the Gordon Research Conference in August 2017, concluded that: Target safety assessments: Provide expert assessment and interpretation of literature and available databases and are invaluable in identifying and avoiding target-related risks Inform target selection and/or prioritisation early in discovery Should contain the level of detail appropriate to the project stage Should [...]

By |2022-11-22T16:22:21+00:00August 20th, 2017|Target Safety Assessments, Publications, TSA Page|Comments Off on Target safety assessments and their role in de-risking drug discovery – Nav1.7 as an example

Target Safety Assessments: Strategies and Resources

Target Safety Assessment: Strategies and Resources, Chapter 12 of Drug Safety Evaluation Methods in Molecular Biology (vol 1641), was written by Dr Richard J Brennan, a Scientific Advisor at Sanofi in the United States. The chapter presents a summary of the information types and sources that should be investigated and approaches that can be [...]

By |2023-04-18T16:44:27+01:00July 27th, 2017|Target Safety Assessments, Publications, TSA Page|Comments Off on Target Safety Assessments: Strategies and Resources
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