ApconiX Welcomes Rosie Tennant

ApconiX is delighted to welcome Rosie Tennant, who joins us for work experience this week. Rosie will be working with Dr Michael Morton and Dr Karen Jones in the ion channel laboratory.
Rosie is in Year 12 at The Fallibroome Academy, a secondary and sixth form college in Macclesfield. Studying A level biology, chemistry and history (and AS French this year), Rosie wants to study biology at university.
“I’ve already completed 1 week of the 2-week work experience everyone does in Year 12 at Fallibroome. The first week was at the law firm Clyde & Co in Manchester City Centre. I was thinking about law early on but science is much more appealing”.
Rosie emailed several companies in Alderley Park and was thrilled when ApconiX said yes.
“I’ve been surprised how much I’ve been allowed to do in the laboratory. I was expecting just to watch but it’s been great to actually have hands-on experience”, added Rosie.
Mike commented, “I want the students gain the same fascination for science I did during my work experience MANY years ago. Hopefully the experience will encourage a budding scientist of tomorrow”.