Society of Toxicology 2021 Virtual Conference
Ion Channel Screening
Rapid, high-quality ion channel profiling matched to your molecule design-make-test cycle
Whether you need to explore cardiac ion channel activity for safety or are interested in ion channels as drug targets, ApconiX can help with our dedicated electrophysiology expertise, customer-focused flexibility and rapid turnaround times.
ApconiX’s nonclinical safety experts are uniquely positioned to work with your project team to interpret your data in the context of your drug discovery programme.
For more information download our brochure here
Watch our recent webinar in partnership with Xtalks “The Evolving Role of Ion Channels in Shaping Successful Drug Discovery”. (This video has closed captions – if you would like to see these just click on “CC” on the control panel).

Meet Dr Michael Morton, Director and Co-founder
“A co-founder of ApconiX, Mike is an expert electrophysiologist and ion channel biologist with extensive experience gained in academia and industry. Mike’s career has spanned pure research, ion channel assay development and large-scale screening of all manner of ligand- and voltage-gated ion channels. Mike learned his craft as a postdoctoral fellow first at Leeds (with Malcolm Hunter) then at Yale (with Fred Sigworth) before joining the global ion channel initiative at AstraZeneca where his skills were applied to drug projects. Mike has a serious passion for ion channels and enjoys working with collaborators and clients alike to ensure the highest quality data are used to support better decision-making.”