Professor Ruth Roberts Is Profiled as Article Chosen for September Issue ToxSpotlight
The Article:
Ruth A Roberts, Richard A Campbell, Phumzile Sikakana, Claire Sadler, Mark Osier, Yili Xu, Joy Y Feng, Michael Mitchell, Roman Sakowicz, Anne Chester, Eric Paoli, Jianhong Wang, Leigh Ann Burns-Naas, Species-Specific Urothelial Toxicity With an Anti-HIV Noncatalytic Site Integrase Inhibitor (NCINI) Is Related to Unusual pH-Dependent Physicochemical Changes, Toxicological Sciences, Volume 183, Issue 1, September 2021, Pages 105–116,
The Profile
What is your name, job title, and institution?
Ruth is cofounder and codirector of ApconiX, a company that offers a new approach to providing world-class nonclinical safety expertise to biotech, biopharma and academia. Ruth is also Chair and Director of Drug Discovery at the University of Birmingham, UK.
Photo depicts Ruth with the other two ApconiX directors, Dr Mike Morton (left) and Dr Richard Knight (centre).
What are you working on now that you’re particularly excited about and how will it advance the field?
Seizure liability remains a significant cause of attrition in drug discovery and development. Our lab is addressing the question ‘Can we panelize seizure?’ by developing a seizure-related ion channel panel linked to an MEA system that measures seizurogenic activity human neurons in vitro – see Roberts et al. 2021, Tox Sci 179 3-13. It’s really exciting to watch such important data emerge!
When you aren’t engaged in scientific research, what are your hobbies, interests, or passions?
I’m usually to be found on one of my several bicycles chasing this week’s Strava goal!
What else should ToxSci readers know about you?
I like to sing and dance at any opportunity, whether it’s in the community choir, at dance events or in the super market!
The Journal:
The latest issue of Toxicological Sciences, Volume 183, Issue 1, contains leading toxicological research, exploring nanotoxicology, neurotoxicology, immunotoxicology, and more.
Of note, two review articles are published in the September edition of the journal. The issue opens with a Contemporary Review, which offers “expert analysis of important and emerging areas in the field of toxicology.” The latest Contemporary Review examines “Analytical and Omics-Based Advances in the Study of Drug-Induced Liver Injury.” Another review article featured in this edition of ToxSci is “A Systematic Review to Compare Chemical Hazard Predictions of the Zebrafish Embryotoxicity Test with Mammalian Prenatal Developmental Toxicity.”
In addition to these reviews, the September 2021 issue also includes two ToxSpotlight articles:
- “Species-Specific Urothelial Toxicity with an Anti-HIV Noncatalytic Site Integrase Inhibitor (NCINI) Is Related to Unusual pH-Dependent Physicochemical Changes”
- “2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD)-Inducible Poly-ADP-Ribose Polymerase (TIPARP/PARP7) Catalytic Mutant Mice (TiparpH532A) Exhibit Increased Sensitivity to TCDD-Induced Hepatotoxicity and Lethality”
For these and other cutting-edge manuscripts, read Volume 183, Issue 1, of ToxSci.
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